Monday 11 June 2012

King John by Shakespeare. I've never seen this play staged. I doubt I've read it. Let's find out about it.

The Wiki entry is here.
Youtube interviews with RSC, here.
The RSC plot outline is here.
You could try poking about the history, starting here.

(I find the plot outline confusing. I suggest we enter into the spirit of this performance by reenacting this story on the kitchen table using pieces of fruit standing in as the main characters. I want a banana as the Bastard. And I want a bunch of grapes as King John. Everytime he receives a knock-back to his objectives, we all eat a few of his grapes. At the end we see how many are left.)

So the deal is, find out about it, join with me in fruity mayhem, help me along in a conversation about the history, characters, plot and theme, then let's see it in Stratford, done by the RSC.